Modern Makes a Difference is how we give back to the communities where our customers and employees live and work. Through Modern Makes a Difference, we are committed to bettering the lives of children and supporting underserved communities in our area.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC
To date—Modern has provided over 1 million meals to individuals and families affected by the pandemic. Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina’s mission is to provide food assistance through a network of partners, while educating and engaging its communities in the elimination of hunger and its causes.
 United Way
Over 1.2 Million Dollars in Employee and Corporate Donations since 2000. The United Way is focused on creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality of life: education, financial stability and health.
The Children’s Playhouse
The Children’s Playhouse’s mission is to provide children from birth to age eight with enriching, educational play experiences while at the same time offering parents and caregivers friendly support in the important job of raising children.
Children’s Council of Watauga
The Children’s Council of Watauga County works to build a strong foundation for children’s learning and development by strengthening families, the early childhood system, and the wider community.
Western Youth Network
Western Youth Network’s mission is to transform the High Country community by nurturing and empowering its children so they live healthy, engaged and fulfilled lives. WYN addresses Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their consequences through trauma-informed interventions and advocacy.
Modern Toyota of Boone remains committed to partnering with organizations meeting our criteria for giving to provide the most impactful support to the community. If your organization or program is interested in becoming a partner with us, please submit the form below. We review applications on an ongoing basis.
While Modern Automotive values all who are engaged in volunteerism and charities, we are unfortunately not able to fund all requests. Modern Makes a Difference does not consider contributions to:
Additionally, recipient organizations must not knowingly conduct or support violent or terrorist activities nor transact business with those who do.